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out url icon Recercat La P del ABP: Problemas para la enseñanza de la Genética Humana a través del Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas Roldán Borassi, María Inés
doc icon DUGiDocs octubre 2016 La P del ABP: problemas para la enseñanza de la Genética humana a través del Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas Roldán Borassi, María Inés
doc icon TDX 28 novembre 2012 Phylogeographical analysis of two aristed shrimps, Aristeus antennatus and Aristaemorpha foliacea (Crustacea: Aristeidae), with implications for resource conservation Fernández Hernández, Maria Victoria
out url icon Recercat Phylogeographical analysis of two aristed shrimps, Aristeus antennatus and Aristaemorpha foliacea (Crustacea: Aristeidae), with implications for resource conservation Fernández Hernández, Maria Victoria
doc icon DUGiDocs 28 novembre 2012 Phylogeographical analysis of two aristed shrimps, Aristeus antennatus and Aristaemorpha foliacea (Crustacea: Aristeidae), with implications for resource conservation Fernández Hernández, Maria Victoria
out url icon DUGiDocs 28 juliol 2022 Physiological role of mitochondrial and plasma membrane channels in sperm Delgado Bermúdez, Ariadna
doc icon DUGiDocs 2005 Polygenic analysis of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria using 16S rDNA, amoA, and amoB genes Calvó Perxas, Laia ; Cortey Marqués, Martí ; García Marín, José Luis ; Garcia-Gil, L. J.
out url icon Recercat Polygenic analysis of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria using 16S rDNA, amoA, and amoB genes Calvó Perxas, Laia ; Cortey Marqués, Martí ; García Marín, José Luis ; Garcia-Gil, L. J.
out url icon Recercat Polygenic analysis of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria using 16S rDNA, amoA, and amoB genes Calvó Perxas, Laia ; Cortey Marqués, Martí ; García Marín, José Luis ; Garcia-Gil, L. J.
out url icon Recercat 1 juny 2018 Polygenic analysis of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria using 16S rDNA, amoA, and amoB genes
out url icon Recercat 5 juny 2018 Polygenic analysis of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria using 16S rDNA, amoA, and amoB genes Calvó Perxas, Laia ; Cortey Marqués, Martí ; García Marín, José Luis ; Garcia-Gil, L. J.
doc icon DUGiDocs 11 març 2019 Population range expansions, with mathematical applications to interacting systems and ancient human genetics López de Rioja, Víctor
out url icon Recercat Population structure of eleven Spanish ovine breeds and detection of selective sweeps with BayeScan and hapFLK Manunza, Arianna ; Cardoso, T.F. ; Noce, A. ; Martínez, Amparo ; Pons, Agueda ; Bermejo, L.A. ; Landi, Vincenzo ; Sànchez, A. ; Jordana, Jordi ; Delgado, J.V. ; Adán, S. ; Capote, Juan ; Vidal Fàbrega, Oriol ; Ugarte, E. ; Arranz, J.J. ; Calvo, J.H. ; Casellas, J. ; Amills, Marcel
out url icon Recercat Population structure of eleven Spanish ovine breeds and detection of selective sweeps with BayeScan and hapFLK Manunza, Arianna ; Cardoso, T.F. ; Noce, A. ; Martínez, Amparo ; Pons, Agueda ; Bermejo, L.A. ; Landi, Vincenzo ; Sànchez, A. ; Jordana, Jordi ; Delgado, J.V. ; Adán, S. ; Capote, Juan ; Vidal Fàbrega, Oriol ; Ugarte, E. ; Arranz, J.J. ; Calvo, J.H. ; Casellas, J. ; Amills, Marcel
out url icon Recercat 1 juny 2018 Population structure of eleven Spanish ovine breeds and detection of selective sweeps with BayeScan and hapFLK
out url icon Recercat 5 juny 2018 Population structure of eleven Spanish ovine breeds and detection of selective sweeps with BayeScan and hapFLK Manunza, Arianna ; Cardoso, T.F. ; Noce, A. ; Martínez, Amparo ; Pons, Agueda ; Bermejo, L.A. ; Landi, Vincenzo ; Sànchez, A. ; Jordana, Jordi ; Delgado, J.V. ; Adán, S. ; Capote, Juan ; Vidal Fàbrega, Oriol ; Ugarte, E. ; Arranz, J.J. ; Calvo, J.H. ; Casellas, J. ; Amills, Marcel
doc icon DUGiDocs 7 juny 2016 Population structure of eleven Spanish ovine breeds and detection of selective sweeps with BayeScan and hapFLK Manunza, Arianna ; Cardoso, T.F. ; Noce, A. ; Martínez, Amparo ; Pons, Agueda ; Bermejo, L.A. ; Landi, Vincenzo ; Sànchez, A. ; Jordana, Jordi ; Delgado, Juan Vicente ; Adán, S. ; Capote, Juan ; Vidal i Fàbrega, Oriol ; Ugarte, E. ; Arranz, J.J. ; Calvo, J.H. ; Casellas, J. ; Amills, Marcel
doc icon DUGiDocs setembre 2018 Posada al dia dels estudis genètics de la gamba vermella Aristaeomorpha foliacea Rios Astorch, Carla
doc icon DUGiDocs gener 2016 Prevalence of QTc alterations in neonates: age and genetic determinants: end of term project Teixidor Camps, Mariona
out url icon Recercat Prevalence of QTc alterations in neonates: age and genetic determinants: end of term project Teixidor Camps, Mariona
media icon DUGiMedia 27 novembre 2008 Producció de planta d’olivera de qualitat. Millora genètica de l’olivera: noves varietats d’olivera adaptades a plantacions superintensives Rius Garcia, Xavier ; Cunill Canal, Marisa
doc icon DUGiDocs 14 març 2017 Production of BP178, a derivative of the synthetic antibacterial peptide BP100, in the rice seed endosperm Montesinos Barreda, Laura ; Bundó, Mireia ; Badosa Romañó, Esther ; San Segundo de los Mozos, Blanca ; Coca, María ; Montesinos Seguí, Emilio
out url icon Recercat Production of BP178, a derivative of the synthetic antibacterial peptide BP100, in the rice seed endosperm Montesinos Barreda, Laura ; Bundó, Mireia ; Badosa Romañó, Esther ; San Segundo de los Mozos, Blanca ; Coca, María ; Montesinos Seguí, Emilio
out url icon Recercat Production of BP178, a derivative of the synthetic antibacterial peptide BP100, in the rice seed endosperm Montesinos Barreda, Laura ; Bundó, Mireia ; Badosa Romañó, Esther ; San Segundo de los Mozos, Blanca ; Coca, María ; Montesinos Seguí, Emilio
out url icon Recercat 1 juny 2018 Production of BP178, a derivative of the synthetic antibacterial peptide BP100, in the rice seed endosperm
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